When you think about it, winter should be the perfect time of the year to get amorous with your partner. After all, you are stuck inside for longer and the cold weather makes you want to cozy up with someone else. Despite this, most people’s sex lives experience a bit of a damper in the wintertime.
The lack of sunshine, colder weather, and winter blues can make it difficult to get yourself in the mood. Fortunately, these factors don’t have to spell doom for your bedroom activities. So, if you are interested in keeping things steamy, here are six ways for you to amp things up:
1. Bring Out the Sexy Attire
One of the reasons that it can be difficult to feel sexy during the winter is due to all those layers. If you want to stay warm, you need to pile on the sweaters, coats, socks, and more. As you can imagine, this doesn’t really create a very sultry image.
So, whenever you feel like you need a boost, turn the heat up in your home as much as possible. Then, put on your best lingerie or underwear and surprise your partner. A more efficient tip would be to bring an electric blanket into bed with you. It will warm the two of you up in no time at all.
2. Make a Wish List
You probably already have a wish list for Christmas. Well, there are some things that you just can’t ask Santa for. Your partner, on the other hand, will be happy to oblige. So, go ahead and make a wish list of all the things you would like your partner to do to you. Or, create a list of the new positions that you would like to try out. Have your partner do the same.
You can then take turns crossing items off your list one at a time. This way, you should be able to find something to do all winter season. Keeping things new and exciting will certainly help you to keep your libido up.
3. Break Out the Massage Oils
If you and your partner are having trouble getting into the mood, don’t worry about forcing it. Instead, break out the warming massage oils and take turns giving each other a massage. Before you do that, however, make sure to turn down the lights, light some candles, and have some sensuous music playing.
This way, you and your partner will be all warmed up in no time at all. What’s more, simply touching each other will have you tingling and ready for more. Without any effort at all, you will be able to move things into the bedroom.
4. Take It to the Tub
Your activities don’t have to be limited to the bedroom. If you want to make sure that you stay warm the whole time through, run yourself and your partner a bath. Make it a point to add some delicious smelling bath gel that is sure to get you and your partner in the right frame of mind. Oh, and make sure to add some bubbles so that they feel amazing against your bare skin.
Of course, if you want to take things up a notch, set up the right ambiance. Turn out the lights and set candles strategically around the world. It also can’t hurt to check out some moves that will be perfect within the confines of your tub.
5. Leave the Curtains Open
Even if you are an evening person, the lack of sunlight can do a number on your libido and your mood in general. So, try having sex during the day, when the sun is shining. You will find that you are a lot more into it. Not to mention, since it will probably be warmer, it will be easier to ditch the clothes as well.
If you want to add a risqué element to it, leave your blinds open while you do the deed. Just the sheer act of feeling like you can get caught will add to the whole experience. This should definitely help you get back into the right mood.
6. Build Up the Excitement
Coming home on a wintry night can leave you cold, exhausted, and ready for bed. This is why it is a good idea to build up the excitement throughout the day. Send your partner flirtatious and R-rated texts and messages throughout the day. This will keep them – and you – on their toes for the nighttime. With temptation like that, no one will have bedtime on their mind when they finally get home!
As you can see, there is no need for winter to put an end to your sex life. You simply have to get creative with how you handle things. Your bedroom activities can then be as sultry as in the summer!